[†: Equally contributing authors, *: Corresponding author(s)]
37. Decoding upconversion-emitting phase in complex composites through single-particle-level upconversion imaging and density functional theory calculations
Yuwaraj K. Kshetri,*
Bina Chaudhary,
Jongwoo Kim,
Sang Hwan Nam,
G. Murali,
Jun Zhou,
Shijie Wang,
Yuan Ping Feng,
Jinhyuk Choi,
Insik In,
Shuki Torii,
Takashi Kamiyama,
Soo Wohn Lee,
Tae-Ho Kim*
36. Indefinite and bidirectional near-infrared nanocrystal photoswitching
Changhwan Lee,
Emma Z. Xu,
Kevin W. C. Kwock,
Ayelet Teitelboim,
Yawei Liu,
Hye Sun Park,
Benedikt Ursprung,
Mark E. Ziffer,
Yuzuka Karube,
Natalie Fardian-Melamed,
Cassio C. S. Pedroso,
Jongwoo Kim,
Stefanie D. Pritzl,
Sang Hwan Nam,
Theobald Lohmueller,
Jonathan S. Owen,
Peter Ercius,
Yung Doug Suh,*
Bruce E. Cohen,*
Emory M. Chan,*
P. James Schuck*

29. Purcell-enhanced photoluminescence of few-layer MoS2 transferred on gold nanostructure arrays with plasmonic resonance at the conduction band edge
Hyunwoo Kim,†
Seunghyun Moon,†
Jongwoo Kim,
Sang Hwan Nam,
Dong Hwan Kim,
Jeong Seop Lee,
Kyoung-Ho Kim,
Evan S. H. Kang,
Kwang Jun Ahn,
Taewan Kim,*
ChaeHo Shin,*
Yung Doug Suh*
28. Fabrication of plasmonic arrays of nanodisks and nanotriangles by nanotip indentation lithography and their optical properties
Jongwoo Kim,†
Jeong Seop Lee,†
Ji-woong Kim,
Peter De Wolf,
Seunghyun Moon,
Dong Hwan Kim,
Joo-Hyun Song,
Jungwoo Kim,
Taewan Kim,
Sang Hwan Nam,
Yung Doug Suh,
Kyoung-Ho Kim,*
Hyunwoo Kim,*
ChaeHo Shin*
Selected as the back cover

26. Effectual labeling of natural killer cells with upconverting nanoparticles by electroporation for in vivo tracking and biodistribution assessment
Hye Sun Park,†
Jongwoo Kim,†
Mi Young Cho,
Youn-Joo Cho,
Yung Doug Suh,
Sang Hwan Nam,*
Kwan Soo Hong*
Selected as the supplementary cover

25. Enhancement of interfacial adhesion using micro/nanoscale hierarchical cilia for randomly accessible membrane-type electronic devices
Youngkyu Hwang,†
Seonggwang Yoo,†
Namsoo Lim,
Sang Myeong Kang,
Hyeryun Yoo,
Jongwoo Kim,
Yujun Hyun,
Gun Young Jung,
Heung Cho Ko*


21. Fabrication and near-field visualization of a wafer-scale dense plasmonic nanostructured array
Jungheum Yun,†
Haemi Lee,†
ChaeWon Mun,
Junghoon Jahng,
William A. Morrison,
Derek B. Nowak,
Jung-Hwan Song,
Dong-kwon Lim,
Tae-Sung Bae,
Hyung Min Kim,
Nam Hoon Kim,
Sang Hwan Nam,
Jongwoo Kim,
Min-Kyo Seo,
Dong-Ho Kim,
Sung-Gyu Park,*
Yung Doug Suh*

19. Chromium oxide supported on Zr modified alumina for stable and selective propane dehydrogenation in oxygen free moving bed process
Seohyun Sim,†
Sujin Gong,†
Jongyoon Bae,
Yong-Ki Park,
Jongwoo Kim,
Won Choon Choi,*
Ung Gi Hong,
Deuk Soo Park,
In Kyu Song,
Hwimin Seo,
Na Young Kang,
Sunyoung Park
15. Synthesis, optical properties, and multiplexed Raman bio-imaging of surface roughness controlled nanobridged nanogap particles
Jung-Hoon Lee,†
Jeong-Wook Oh,†
Sang Hwan Nam,†
Yeong Seok Cha,
Gyeong-Hwan Kim,
Won-Kyu Rhim,
Nam Hoon Kim,
Jongwoo Kim,
Sang Woo Han,
Yung Doug Suh,*
Jwa-Min Nam*

11. The preferred upconversion pathway for the red emission of lanthanide-doped upconverting nanoparticles, NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+
Taeyoung Jung,†
Hong Li Jo,†
Sang Hwan Nam,†
Byeongjun Yoo,
Youngho Cho,
Jongwoo Kim,
Hyung Min Kim,
Taeghwan Hyeon,
Yung Doug Suh,*
Hohjai Lee,*
Kang Taek Lee*
7. Nanopipette combined with quartz tuning fork-atomic force microscope for force spectroscopy/microscopy and liquid delivery-based nanofabrication
Sangmin An,
Kunyoung Lee,
Bongsu Kim,
Haneol Noh,
Jongwoo Kim,
Soyoung Kwon,
Manhee Lee,
Mun-Heon Hong,
Wonho Jhe*
